The modern age of digital filmmaking has flooded the market with tons
of films, one seemingly indistinguishable from the next. The depth and
breadth of horror fandom, combined with the rapid growth of independent
filmmaking, have led to an explosion in indie films dealing with the
terrifying, macabre, gory, and bizarre.
The Buried Alive Film Fest of Atlanta is your chance to prove your
film’s worth. No matter if it’s feature-length or shortform, a slasher
or a ghost story, a zombie flick or a horror comedy, a suspenseful
thriller or a horror documentary, all films in this exciting and growing
genre are welcome. Our staff and judges come from across the local
horror community, and with their discerning eyes can truly decide what
should remain buried and what should be unearthed.
Filmmakers, Sales Agents & Distributors from all over the world are welcome to submit their work for the Fourth edition of the Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival, which will take place from October the 28th till November the 5th in the Medieval city of Bruges, Belgium.
Participating in the festival is free.
There are no submissions fees or hidden fees, extra costs or what so ever to submit your movie other then the stamps used to s...
Four people with dark secrets are in an elevator. They don't know each other, why or how they're there.Memories come back.
And the elevator goes down...
36eme Sous SolA short film directed by PH Debies
Non-profit only
Director: PH Debiès.
Four people with dark secrest are in an elevator. They don't know each other, how they got there, or why they're there..Memories come back.And the elevator goes down...
The New Orleans Horror Film Festival announces a call for entries for the 2011 season! The early deadline is March 31st, 2011.The NOHFF takes place on Halloween weekend, October 28th - 30th, 2011 and it held in the historic French Quarter of New Orleans.
It’s no small wonder and no great surprise that so
many of today’s top directors got their start in “low budget horror”. With determination and imagination, these artists have created some
truly memorable work that has enco...
The New Orleans Horror Film Festival is a festival created by horror filmmakers for horror filmmakers. As film auteurs ourselves, we appreciate and admire the blood, sweat and tears that go into making movies, especially on an independent level. It’s no small wonder and no great surprise that so many of today’s top directors got their start in “low budget horror”. With determination and imagination, these artists have created some truly memorable work that has encouraged and inspired a new generation of filmmakers. The NOHFF is committed to celebrating the craft and the art of genre filmmaking at its best. Please visit the official NOHFF website at Thanks.
The FREAK SHOW Horror Film Festival is proud to announce that it was Named One of MovieMaker Magazine's 20 Coolest Film Festivals! Plus we were the only Horror Genre Film Festival on the list! How cool is that? Here is what they had to say:"Horror fans get their FREAK SHOW on in October at this three-day fest created by FEAR FILM Motion Picture Studios owner Robert J. Massetti. More than 40 moviemakers were in attendance in 2010, including horror master John Carpenter; fest winners went hom...
This is an UPDATE to the original posting for Phoenix Fear Film Festival. The date has changed to MAY 21 2011 - Noon till 2am
The 4th
Phoenix Fear Film Festival and Convention Showcasing the best horror cinema from
around the world
Presented by Trash
City Entertainment
May 21, 2011 – Noon till 1am
Summer Frights.
MadCap Theatres
730 South Mill Avenue
Tempe AZ 85281
Advance Discount Tickets $15 Gen
Admission and $35 VIP
VIP includes Laminate Badge, T-shirt, Special Seating and SWAG
(Ticket prices will be higher on day of event)
Charles Band and His Full Moon Horror Road-Show
Tiffany Shepis
Thrill the World Zombie Dancers
the CREMATOR - Hearse and Grill
AZ Rhythm Connection
Director: Ivan Peric.
Cain is a military scientist, bitterly disappointed in human race. His conclusion is that the mankind failed to create a world worth living in. Only a small minority of privileged people live in prosperity, while the rest are spending their lives in pain and hopeless struggle to survive. One day, Cain made a decision to wipe out the entire human race from planet Earth, by activating the weapons of mass destruction. Time has passed, and Cain is coming out of the shelter to find the place where he will die. The place where the last man will die.
Director: Vitomir Kaučič.
Police detectives Nina and Milan investigate the murder of teenage girl Mija. In the course of the investigation, corpses keep piling up while the only thing they find out is the fact that all victims were drunk and are missing blood. Milan is suspended by Chief Sovič when he shoots down Antolin, the crime lab forensic who attacked him in an unexplicable and sudden rage. The insatiable appetite of the winepires and the arrival of ruthless cop El Mehcun puts Nina and Milan's feelings for each other to a rough and ugly test.
After you've seen this film, you will never dare to gett pissed again!
The LACFH is here to provide independent filmmakers with the opportunity to have their work recognized, judged and awarded. Operating as a quarterly festival, we pride ourselves on being able to showcase entertaining domestic and international materials from talented independent filmmakers 4 times a year. 21 awards will be up for grabs between the 9 categories. Also, all films submitted through will receive a title page on
What happens when you mash together 300 volunteer zombies, a $10,000 budget and an “end of the world, romantic-zombie-action-musical” screenplay? The 2009 Australian indie film I am Bish, currently buzzing through the international film festival circuit with the appropriate tagline, “Just because it’s the end of the world doesn’t mean we can’t have a few laughs.”
The film, directed by David Bishop, tells the story of a film student (Bish) shoo...
The inaugural Love Your Shorts Film Festival will
be held Feb. 11-13, 2011, in Sanford, Florida, and will feature short
films of varied style and subject.
Program blocks will include Animation, Comedy, Documentary, Drama, Florida Flavor, Sci-Fi/Horror, and Student.
In addition to film screenings, the festival will host film-discussion
groups, an awards presentation, cash prizes and awards created by a
local artist.
Check out our website at or submit via W...
Dear friends of cinematic offense, fine wine and sounds that scare hounds! We hereby announce that the film program of this year’s Grossmann Film and Wine Festival is now officially online! Take your time and immerse yourself into the wicked world of Grossmann that will soon once again come to life for a ghastly week of unholy pleasures in the idyllic atmosphere of Ljutomer, Slovenia. It is the charming capital of the wine region of Prlekija and also where Slovenian film was born in 1905. This...
According to her official Facebook fanpage:
sexy and talented scream queen Emily Schooley will be headed to London
this weekend to film some final footage for The Witching Hour
before it premieres later this year.
The Witching Hour is
a homage to old school Canuxploitation flicks from the 70s-80s shot on
the Sony HDR FX7, featuring a young couple under siege by a vicious and
terrifying invader in the middle of the night. Many of the shots i...
Director: Nick Gillespie.
Born off the back of the "credit crunch" Imagining Love is an ambient short film which works as a puzzle between 4 very different characters, each of them offering up ideas of imagination, false reality, escape from modern day pressures, and love.
Attention all filmmakers and wine worshippers! Submissions for the Little Workshop of Horrors are now open to all kinds of film crews that wish to shoot their film during this year's Grossmann festival, taking place from 26th to the 31st of July in Ljutomer, Slovenia. As usual, it has to be done in two days and one night! All of you who are daring, resourceful and playful enough can apply right here, where you can also find all further details and information. Submission deadline is the 5th of J...
Director: Jamil Hendi.
The city. Ordinary as usually.Not for him.Alex received a special gift.He can speak to the dead. Today is his last case before his vacation. But the day has just begun. Soon Alex will learn that every gift comes with a curse.
4th Annual Phoenix FearCON Film Festival and Convention
Showcasing the best horror cinema from around the world
Presented by
Trash City Entertainment
January 22nd & 23rd, 2011 - Noon till Midnight
The Nightmare After Christmas.
featuring Special Celebrity Guests!!
Merchandise Vendors! Panel Discussions! Q&A!
MadCap Theatres
730 South Mill Avenue
Tempe AZ 85281
Features and Shorts
[And in case you're wondering, short films are 30 minutes or less. Features run at least 75 minutes. If you're in the middle...sorry. Maybe next year, we'll add a "long shorts" section to the festival!]
All submissions will be reviewed by a panel of hardened horror freaks - we'll get back to you, by December 23, 2010 at the latest, and let you know whether you've been accepted. If you want, we can also review the film in detail on; that is entirely optional, but if you're looking to get buzz started, that would be a good way, since the site gets 1,000+ visitors per day. Let us know with your entry if you'd rather we didn't do that though, and we'll happily keep quiet.
What's in it for me, you say? Well, the winner of both the Best Short and Best Feature will receive a domestic and International distribution deal from Brain Damage Films and Maxim Media International. Other film distribution companies and studios are invited to attend and may be interested in your film. We are working with sponsors to offer a cash prize and we will post prizes when they are available.
There is no better way to get your film seen by horror fans. Other entries may also be offered contracts, if they're deemed worthy, but the winners get that as a guarantee. There'll also be an 'Audience Choice' award for the best single film, be it short or feature. We haven't quite worked out what the prize is for that yet though!
Any questions, please feel free to email us, at or you can call 602-399-9500, and we'll happily answer your queries.