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Home >> Public Enemies - Die Staatsfeinde
Public Enemies - Die Staatsfeinde
Film Film
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Film Credits
About the Director:
Daniel Burkholz is an award winning filmmaker. He first worked as journalist for newspaper and radio, as editor of a scientific magazine and also as photographer. Later, he worked in the fields of environment protection, education, human and civil rights. After an intermezzo as divemaster he studied the culture of the Sinai nomads, the Nomads of the Great Thar desert, and the Queensland Aborigines. In 2005, he founded his first company Roadside Courageous Docs. His films are shown by non-governmental-organisations, civil society foundations, political activists and political parties in numerous countries. The Roadside docs have already been officialy selected for more than 150 film festivals, film fests and film series around the world...
Co-director Sybille Fezer was first working some years as a journalist before heading to Sao Paulo/Brasil, where she was doing community development and human rights work for more than 7 years. After returning to Germany, she studied social education, conflict management and peace rearch. She is executive member of the board at the women's and human rights organization medica mondiale which was awarded with the Alternative Nobel Prize (Right Livelihood Award). Her work on all continents led the conflict researcher and passionate fighter for women's and human rights to become a filmmaker also.
Film director:
Daniel Burkholz/Sybille Fezer
About the Producer:
<p>Daniel Burkholz is an award winning filmmaker. He first worked as journalist for newspaper and radio, as editor of a scientific magazine and also as photographer. Later, he worked in the fields of environment protection, education, human and civil rights. After an intermezzo as divemaster he studied the culture of the Sinai nomads, the Nomads of the Great Thar desert, and the Queensland Aborigines. In 2005, he founded his first company Roadside Courageous Docs. His films are shown by non-governmental-organisations, civil society foundations, political activists and political parties in numerous countries. The Roadside docs have already been officialy selected for more than 150 film festivals, film fests and film series around the world...</p>
Film photographer:
Daniel Burkholz, Ruzbeh Sadeghi, Lilli C. Thalgott
Film synopsis:
<p>A story about men and women who experienced the Second World War as soldiers of the Wehrmacht or as civilians in Nazi-Germany. Traumatised by the terror of war they became convinced pacifists. During the 50ties, they put up resistance against the building of a new army in West-Germany. But the former Nazi staff was in power again, persecuted all pacifists - among them even men whose family members were murdered during the Holocaust and former resistance fighters - and sent thousands of them to prison.</p>
<p>Starring: Günter Bennhardt, Gerd Deumlich, Dr. Rolf Gössner, Hans Heisel, Prof. Dr. Till Kössler, Secretary of State Gerhard Schröder, Dr. Robert Steigerwald, Rosemarie Stiffel, Erika Marx, Otto Marx, Ingrid Wils, Herbert Wils</p>
<p>Director: Daniel Burkholz, Co-Director: Sybille Fezer, Camera: Daniel Burkholz, Ruzbeh Sadeghi, Lilli C. Thalgott, Sound: Daniel Burkholz, Editor: Jan-Malte Enning, Postproduction: Jan-Malte Enning Runtime: 72 Minutes, HD, 16:9, 2018,</p>
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Festival Selection, Awards... Festival selection, awards or citation already received and other comments... :
Already selected in a Festival?:
Festival selections:
Multitude Action Days 2020
Agenda Cinema 2020
Workshop Cinema 2020
Liberation Day 8th May 2020
Film reviews:
<p>"Super toller Film! Sehr spannend. Tolle Diskussion."<br />
Josepha, Multitude Action Days</p>
<p>„Ich habe den Film kürzlich gesehen und war von der biographischen Kraft des Dargestellten sehr beeindruckt.“<br />
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schulz, International Association of Jaspers Societies</p>
<p>"Der konzentrierte Dokumentarfilm befragt Frauen und Männer, die wegen ihrer pazifistischen Einstellung damals von der Justiz verfolgt wurden, und gewinnt durch ihre Erinnerungen große Eindrücklichkeit."<br />
Ralf Schenk, FILMDIENST</p>
<p>"Unterstellt, es bestünde von offizieller Seite eine ernsthafte Sorge um die demokratischen Verhältnisse in diesem Land, würde dieser Film in jeder Schule gezeigt werden."<br />
Carmela Negrete, Junge Welt</p>
<p>"Mit den Staatsfeinden schreibt Daniel Burkholz ein Kapitel der deutschen Geschichte, über das bislang weitgehend der Mantel des Schweigens ausgebreitet wurde, neu..."<br />
Stefan Drechsler, FILMREPORTER</p>
<p>"Die RegisseurInnen Daniel Burkholz und Sybille Fezer machen die Stimmen der Opfer des Kalten Krieges hörbar - dabei sind sie mit ihren ProtagonistInnen immer auf Augenhöhe."<br />
Miriam Lüders, Filmportal</p>
<p>"Es freut mich sehr, dass mein Kamerad Hans Heisel jetzt endlich auch in Deutschland geehrt wird."<br />
Vincent Almudever, ehemaliger Résistancekämpfer</p>
<p>"Ein Film der bewusst macht, wie sehr das Erleben der Schrecken des 2. Weltkrieges das weitere Leben vieler Betroffener beeinflusst hat."<br />
Armin Kaiser, MoviePilot</p>
<p>"Gerade heute, wo rechtsextreme Positionen wieder in Staat und Gesellschaft an Boden gewinnen, ein wichtiger Film."<br />
Anita Olschewski, KINO-ZEIT</p>
<p>"Ein historisches Thema, das aber für die Frage, wie sich eine demokratische Gesellschaft verteidigen lässt, von bleibendem Interesse ist."<br />
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Baden-Württemberg</p>
Film distribution
Sales/distribution name:
ROADSIDE - Courageous Films
<p>ROADSIDE - Courageous Films, Alsenstr. 20A, D-44789, Germany, Tel 0049-234-52009788</p>
Publicity Infos
Publicity contact:
publicity address:
<p>ROADSIDE - Courageous Films, Alsenstr. 20A, D-44789, Germany, Tel 0049-234-52009788</p>
About Roadside Dokumentarfilm
Roadside Dokumentarfilm Daniel Burkholz (Roadside Dokumentarfilm)
Roadside Dokumentarfilm - Courageous Docs
Roadside Dokumentarfilm, founden 2005 by Daniel Burkholz, is an independent film production company, based in Cologne and Bochum/ Germany. We focus on social, political or cultural subjects that are often not in the center of the public interest. The engagement for human and civil rights is our concern. Filmmaking is for us a means to take a standpoint;
Roadside Dokumentarfilm, gegründet 2005 von Daniel Burkholz, ist eine unabhängige Filmproduktionsfirma mit Sitz in Köln und Bochum. In unseren Filmen setzen wir soziale, politische oder kulturelle Themen ins Bild, die oft nicht im Zentrum des öffentlichen Interesses liegen. Der Einsatz für Menschen- und Bürgerrechte ist uns wichtig und das Filmemachen ist für uns ein Mittel, um Position zu beziehen;
Cologne / Bochum
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